인간 조발성 노화 증후군 모델 동물 (Human Premature Geriatric Syndrome Model Mouse)
klotho/Jcl(Nomenclature: C3;B6-KlTg(SLC9A1)/Jcl)
klotho mouse was found among a mutant group from the mutant gene introduced chimeric mice executed by Dr. Yoichi Nabeshima.
The klotho gene was then identified as a cording of new I type membrane protein with having a signal sequence at the N terminal and transmembrane domain structure at the C terminal and relating calcium controlling in vivo mainly.
CLEA received the strain from Dr. Nabeshima and started its sales from 2002.
kl/k mouse grows normal until 3 to 4 weeks of age, then shows growth retardation after weaning, and dies around 8 to 9 weeks of age.
The external appearance is normal except backward curvature.
The other characteristics are as below:
• Hypokinesia and dysbasia • Thymic sexual organ and atrophy • Arteriosclerosis • Osteoporosis • Ectopic calcification • Dermatrophy • Emphysema pulmonum • Pituitary gland abnormality